Press and articles from ARCTIC’s cross-country tour
Here are some bits of selected buzz from ARCTIC’s recent May/June cross-Canada tour:
- “If there were a soundtrack to the Arctic, a set of sounds that properly represented desolately beautiful spaces, this would be it.”
– Echo Weekly - “Arctic Take Cool, Green Vibes On Tour”
– ChartAttack - “Actually, what Today Brought Me Here sounds like is a sane version of Thom Yorke’s The Eraser –- and that is meant to be a compliment because Arctic’s intense focus means better songs.”
– Popjournalism - “The music from Arctic’s new CD Today Brought Me Here offers up the desultory loneliness of the Northwest Territories where Marcus grew up.”
– The Hamilton Spectator
The band will be touring again in September/October.
For press inquiries, please contact press (at)